domingo, 11 de mayo de 2014

Smog-hit Madrid to wage war on cars

"Madrid is for people, not for vehicles," says the document, in which "positive discrimination" schemes to favour pedestrians, plus the use of bicycles and public transport are detailed.

Across the whole of the Spanish capital, the plan is to reduce traffic by eight percent by 2020, halve the numbers killed in traffic (32 last year) and help the city to comply with European pollution limits, standards which it is currently failing to meet.

The dark pall of smog hanging over Madrid is so familiar to locals that it is known as the city's "beret".
Smog-hit Madrid to wage war on cars

The smog in the big cities is a problem. It is not good for the health of the persons of the city and it don't gives a good image to other counties.

I think that it is a good idea to try to reduce the numbers of vehicles in Madrid. It would be easier if people uses more public transports, so they don't must take their car. The problem of the electric vehicles is that the aren't so clean like they want us to make believe. How is the electricy of this cars made? There is the fist problem because most of elecricity is also created creating contamination, so we have got a big problem.

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