Body language(10%): I think it was the worst thing of my oral presentation because I was really nervous and it was difficuld to look at the people of the class. But I think that I improved it compared to the last term presentation.
Presentation(10%): The presentation was very simple, so it was easier to understand it, I used a similar one like the presentation of my TDR in catalan.
The strucrure(10%): I organized the information in different parts; first I made a small introduccion of the reserch project and then I presented the different parts of the work I had done.
Context(35%): was good and with not too much information but with the needed information to explain very well what I have done.
The pronunciation:(10%): in my case, it's really good because I have a friend in the USA and I talk with him in English and that helped me to have a good pronunciation and in the presentation.
Language(25%): There were some specific word for this topic and they could have been difficult to understand. But in general I tried to use easy language so, all the people could understand.
I would give me a 8,5.
I have to improve my body language, but the other parts of the presentation were very good!:)Here you have got the link to the oral presentation: